Join EzAuto

Open the taps and let your business engine run wide open. We are allowing a select group of auto dealers to offer rent to own, Would you like to be one of them?


How it works:

Sign up as one of our dealers, to offer our product to your customer. What this means for you is that you can offer rent to own any vehicle in your stock. Once you have a client interested in a vehicle you send their details to us for processing (we are quick) we will approve the value requested or present an alternative budget, you now can either conclude the deal or find a vehicle more suited to the person's budget. As a rental company, our approval rate for a rent-to-own deal is substantially higher than most conventional financing options currently available to car dealerships.

They may be walking in but will definitely be driving out. What does it mean once the sale is concluded?

We will pay for the vehicle and register it under EzAuto the vehicle will then be rented to the client for the duration of the agreement. they will have the option to purchase the vehicle at the end of the 60-month rental period.
We keep our system approachable to all types of dealers, the deal is essentially concluded between your dealership and EzAuto. The client will sign an agreement with EzAuto.
We will provide you with all of the resources to conclude a deal using the EzAuto model.

What’s the cost to Work with EzAuto

Free, simply and elegantly we are not trying to squeeze a buck out of you when our business model is rent to own.

Are you interested in unlocking a whole new group of Clients using EzAuto?

Fill in the form below and we will get hold of you As soon as possible.
