EzAuto for your Business?

We will help get those clients that are under the credit weather

Working desk

How does it work?

How we are taking the motor industry to a new level:

We have exclusive deals for Companies looking to get a fleet up and running. By allowing your company to rent out entire fleets, EzAuto opens up the door to expanding your business on a whole new level.

How does it work?

Simply EzAuto will source the vehicles you require and purchase it so you can rent it from us.

How long will it take to get my fleet?

If we have the vehicle in stock it could be as fast as the same day. If we are currently not stocking your vehicle it may take up to 1 week.

How is this beneficial for my business?

We hope our subscription services will keep your cash flow stable and open the doors to businesses that are struggling to get finance from the bank

How do I get EzAuto Finance?

The process is straight forward, we will have an agreement between ourselves that will allow you to offer our services to clients.

Why EzAuto?

When buying a car a lot of the costs in managing and maintaining the vehicle are overlooked, EzAuto is easy for a reason your motor plan, insurance, warranty and vehicle tracking are set out for your vehicle.

Our aim is to get better products to the companies that make South Africa tick. Your vehicle should be the stepping stone of expansion not the start of company debt.

Important details

Self Employed clients can also apply, we require then the following:

  • 6 x bank statements
  • CK Documents (Company registration certificate
  • Proof of address
  • Copy of ID
  • Copy of driver’s license
  • Fully completed application form
  • Also: Proof of Payment for the R500 application fee

To apply you must have an income of at least R6 000.

Simple Form

Provide us with your details though our simple online form

Final Details

We will contact you requesting the final information

Budget Rides

Browse and Choose the vehicle that best suites you with in the budget we have provided